澳洲留学、悉尼留学、布里斯班留学、墨尔本留学、留学住宿、网红公寓、布里斯班学生公寓、悉尼网红公寓、墨尔本网红公寓、布里斯班网红公寓、澳大利亚网红公寓、澳大利亚留学住宿、澳大利亚大学生公寓、海外留学生公寓、澳洲留学公寓、澳洲 homestay、澳洲家庭住宿、澳洲学校推荐学生公寓、悉尼central park租房、布里斯班学生公寓、墨尔本学生公寓、悉尼学生公寓、悉尼网红公寓、墨尔本网红公寓、布里斯班网红公寓、悉尼大学校外的学生公寓、悉尼四人学生公寓、悉尼大学校内学生公寓、墨尔本大学附近的学生公寓、昆士兰大学学生公寓、澳洲布里斯班南岸学生公寓、澳洲布里斯班公寓、今日悉尼、澳洲悉尼公寓、悉尼大学、悉尼大学生公寓、墨尔本大学生公寓、蒙纳士大学、蒙纳士大学公寓、蒙纳士大学在校宿舍、Trinity 校园、布里斯班大学生公寓、QUT 学生公寓、澳洲在校公寓、RMIT 学生公寓、UNSW 学生公寓、新南威尔士大学公寓、麦考瑞大学生公寓、Macquarie学生公寓、MQ学生公寓、MQ 在校公寓、昆士兰大学公寓、昆士兰学生公寓、UTS 学生公寓、UTS 学生宿舍、Urbanest 公寓、Scape 学生公寓、Scape 公寓、Scape宿舍、Atira学生公寓、Aitra 公寓、Student one 学生公寓、Student one公寓、澳洲第一学生公寓、Y Suite学生公寓、Y Suite 公寓、Unilodge 学生公寓、Unilodge 公寓、Journal 学生公寓、Journal 公寓、GSA 学生公寓、GSA 公寓、Student Housing Company 学生公寓、Student Housing Company 公寓、异乡好居 (Uhomes)、学旅家 (S.com)、Hooli、澳洲留学住宿怎么样?、澳洲留学住宿住哪里?、澳洲留学住宿最方便?、澳洲留学去哪里住?、澳洲留学哪里住最方便?、学生公寓哪里好?、学生公寓怎么选?、学生公寓的标准是什么?、留学公寓怎么样?、留学公寓住哪里?、留学公寓方便吗?、留学公寓比住校便宜吗?、留学住宿怎么选?、留学住宿怎么办理?、留学住宿注意什么?、网红公寓在哪里?、网红公寓是Iglu吗?、网红公寓哪里好?、海外留学住宿怎么办?、海外留学公寓怎么选择?、海外留学公寓哪里最便宜?、海外留学住宿哪里性价比最高?、海外留学到底要不要住学校?、澳洲留学要不要住学校?、澳洲留学住公寓离学校有多远?、全球网红公寓哪里好?、海外网红学生公寓有哪些?


Iglu is equipped with more daily necessities for students to choose from, making it easier for students to settle in when they first arrive.

Students can view details of our freebies such as “KIT OUT MY IGLU PACKS”, book airport transfers and Wi-Fi upgrades, etc.

  • When you come to a new country and a new environment, everything is unfamiliar. We will help you adapt to life there as much as possible.

    With “KIT OUT MY IGLU PACKS”, you will have the necessary daily necessities for your new home. If you need to reserve “KIT OUT MY IGLU PACKS”, please email our apartment team before check-in. We will prepare it when you arrive at the apartment to check in, including various room necessities such as bedding, bath towels and tableware, to help you settle in quickly and conveniently.

    What does “KIT OUT MY IGLU PACKS” include?

    Duvet/quilt cover/suitable sheets/pillows/pillowcases/bath towels/towels/laundry basket/plates/bowls/cups/knives and forks/spoon/teaspoon

    How to order a package

    Students are kindly requested to contact the property team for detailed information on prices and availability.

    Some apartment buildings have limited stock, so it is best for students to order in advance to ensure they can purchase the daily necessities package.

  • Iglu’s new “Cool Start” breakfast is becoming increasingly popular with students in Brisbane apartment buildings from weekdays to Fridays (Melbourne apartment buildings have also launched free breakfast). At the same time, Iglu Kelvin Grove will bring new surprises to students next year, and a new coffee machine will soon be available in the apartment building.

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